Tag Archives: Kent Hovind

Is Prison Biblical?


But Florence is in the news again. You can see some scenic pictures of the barbed wire. 

The three biblical options for punishment in Scripture are:

  1. Restitution and penalty paid to victim.
  2. Less than or equal to 40 lashes.
  3. Death Penalty.

There are no other options.

Kent Hovind was released from prison and gives all kinds of horrible stories of injustices occurring in prison. The last thing we need to do is break up families, but 85% of prisoners are divorced while in prison. He is against the war on drugs, as putting a large percentage of the population in prison is just exacerbating the problem.

It boils down to doing things God’s way or doing things our way. Doing things our way is idolatry, but it is profitable for a season.