Tag Archives: Lavoy Finicum

Lavoy Finicum Was Murdered


“Under the Law of God, the guilt is always on those who had drawn first. They are the murderers. In that context, even if he tried to draw, it was legitimate self-defense.

These government thugs must be taken to court and then duly executed. Until they are executed – every single one of them – there will be no justice in this case.

But the blame is on the local cops. It is the local Sheriff who must be re-called, tried, and executed for conspiracy and treason against his constituency.”–Bojidar Marinov

I like what Gavin Seim said, and I share his optimism that someday there will be buildings and roads named after Lavoy Finicum for having laid down his life for his friends. Which is more than you can say for the coward cops who murder people when they see their shadow.