The Question That Got Me Kicked Out of a Tea Party Group

I have found that the participants in Facebook Tea Party groups have little actual regard for the ideas of the founding fathers. They are every bit as socialist as democrats. I was surprised to see this meme that I like posted by someone who seems to post a lot of socialist stuff.

I posted this comment:

Where on this chart are the people who want to tax me to build a wall, prevent me from hiring or having at my house who I want?

It took the lady who posted it about an hour to respond and she said, something like, “They’re on the right. I’m surprised you couldn’t figure it out for yourself.” I clicked on her profile link, thinking maybe I had not remembered her correctly, but within a few seconds, I realized that I had been blocked from the group.

It’s not the first tea party group I’ve been kicked out of. I had a fantastic discussion about how Social Security was socialist in a big tea party group. I was kicked out of it. But there are tea party groups where those came from. Maybe I should join a liberal group, but I’m sure after my first post about how abortion is murder, I’d be kicked out.

Oh well, I’ll just go on lighting brush fires in people’s minds about the gospel, freedom and capitalism.