Tyrants Twisting the Law

The popular thing for the politically correct class to do today is to not make any claims to certainty. Of course, this is an absurd position, because typing a sentence is a claim to certainty of whatever you’re talking about. For example, it is self-refuting to say, “There is no such thing as absolute truth.”

Gavin Seim got the Spokane Sheriff to engage in such absurdity on its Facebook page, and pointed out their error pretty effectively:


Maybe they’re saying the law is what they want it to be. Maybe they’re saying there’s no way of knowing what the law is. Maybe they’re saying Gavin is completely wrong, and they’re just not willing to say, “You’re completely wrong.” I don’t know.

What they ought to do is have the county attorney write up a press release, explaining why it’s legal for them to use unmarked cars for traffic enforcement (assuming they actually believe they have a case for such), and then link to it when this topic comes up. This issue has become big news with some of Gavin’s videos on this topic getting hundreds of thousands of views.

But it shows where they’re coming from that they can get snarky with a citizen on their public Facebook page. What business can get snarky without losing business? A government monopoly: that’s who. They’ve shown they’re not there to serve people or correct misunderstandings of the law, but to do whatever they want. And they don’t even care who knows it.

PS: I was wrong about how many views Seim’s videos have had on the unmarked car issue. The video below (and he has at least one other I can think of) has over 4 million views, and was also played on CNN.