Unbelievable Cops XXXI

So, this guy on a bike is videotaping people running the stop sign, which is perfectly legal. I’ll admit I generally don’t like being videotaped. But we have to start thinking twice before calling the cops on people. At this point, it’s the citizens versus the cops, and I’m not going to call the cops on people unless I have a good reason. I hope my fellow citizens will do the same for m.

You can flip through until the 6 minute mark where this lying, blustering, power-tripping cop comes up to this guy and threatens to arrest him. But, this guy knows the law, probably better than the cop, and he gets the cop to back off. It is beautiful. We need to learn the law of the land. We need to teach our children the law, and what their rights are. This cop thinks he can get away with intimidation, because Americans don’t stand up for themselves and don’t know the law.

Conservatives have a bad case of cop worship. They also have a bad case of soldier worship. The soldiers (supposedly) are standing for our rights, shedding their blood to defend the Constitution. The cops are trampling the Constitution. I think this contradiction shows the inherent contradiction in conservative thinking. Conservatives are supposed to be in favor of limited government. Cops are big government.
