We Get The Government We Deserve

I can’t believe there are still people who are sold-out sycophants hanging on every word of government quacks. Have they not been paying attention for the last few months?

First, they institute lockdowns and say that masks are useless. They see riots and they make exceptions to corona lockdown regulations for rioting. Tests and statistics have been shown to be utterly useless and unreliable, so no one really even has good data to make even an educated guess. But that doesn’t stop them from threatening you with fines and jail time and destroying businesses. Now, supposedly, cases are rising, but rather than going back to lockdowns, they start requiring masks. They know people will go nuts if there are lockdowns and that lockowns were utterly ineffective, but they want to continue to put you in your place. So put this fabric over your face as a placebo and a virtue signal and keep your mouth shut. I can’t believe that the majority of people actually are wearing masks.

Government health “experts” have proven themselves to be completely unreliable. So stop relying on them.