What are the Odds?

I’ve posted about this many times in the past, but here it is again as this Youtube video raised the question again. You can ask someone, even a police supporter, “What percentage of cops are bad?” If they say 1%, you can show them a video like the video below or many others (go to Youtube and look up “Operation Rescue LAPD” for a great example).

If one cop does something bad, he could just be one of the 1% of bad cops. But what are the odds that 2 cops are bad and you witness those 2 cops being bad together? It would be 1% squared, or 1 in 10,000 that those cops would be in the same place at the same time. That you witness them or catch them on camera actually being bad together would be hard to calculate. It would be nearly infinitesimal. Most of the time 2 bad cops are just eating doughnuts, not actually carrying out evil deeds. What are the odds that 3 bad cops are together? It would be 1% cubed, or 1 in a million. The odds of 4 bad cops would be 1 in 100 million. The odds of 50 bad cops in one place would be like the odds of a monkey sitting down at a typewriter and randomly typing out War and Peace.

The bigger the bootlicker the police supporter is, the smaller the percentage of bad cops he gives you, the more crazy the numbers become. The only way to make sense of some of these videos is if 100% of cops are bad. Here’s another example of a bad cop and several other bad cops coming to his aid.
