What Are The Police For?

This is a cool video talking about this guy’s complex design to punish package thieves.

In passing, he mentioned that he had video of some thieves walking around stealing people’s packages. How much stuff did they steal? No one will ever know, but they certainly could have stolen a few hundred dollars worth. But the cops said it wasn’t worth their time to pursue these people. So I guess people can steal packages with little worry about legal ramifications.

The cops have more important things to do, like catch speeders and make sure that people have the right stickers on their cars. The Denver police are making sure that vendors don’t stand in one place, and that kids’ lemonade stands are properly licensed and taxed. The police in some cities are busy making sure that food that people attempt to give to homeless is prepared in a commercial kitchen, and if not, pouring bleach on food that doesn’t qualify. Police in Tampa, FL are busy making sure that barbers are properly licensed. So I can see why they’re too busy to worry about actual crimes.

We’d be better off without police. They don’t do many useful things anyway.

This is an interesting video that has received 45.7 million views as of 12/22/18.