All posts by Samuel Adams

I've lived in Canon City my whole life. It makes me sick to think of where this country is headed. The solutions are in God's Word.

What Am I Willing To Do To Make Government Irrelevant?

Why is government so involved in nearly every aspect of our lives? Because Christians have been disobedient. We weren’t supporting our parents and grandparents, so the government gave us Social Security. We weren’t taking care of education properly, so government gave us public school and so on.  Once the government started doing those jobs, we really gave up doing those jobs.

What is the solution? How do we shrink the size of government? We have to start doing those jobs again, and do them better than the government is doing them. Someone on Facebook said that sounds nice, but what are you willing to do? Here is what I told them:

1. I’m willing to homeschool my children in spite of being forced to pay property taxes that are used to educate other people’s children.
2. Lord willing, I’ll be able to rip up my Social Security checks in spite of being forced to pay into it.
3. I’m willing to come when my neighbors call to help to protect them from intruders, so that we don’t have to call the cops.
4. I’m willing to never call the cops/government on Christians because I’d rather be wronged than go to unbelievers to solve disputes as Scripture commands.
5. I’m willing to help my in-laws in their old age so that they might tear up their Social Security checks, as Scripture commands.
6. I’m willing to help orphans, widows and foreigners as Scripture commands.
7. I’m willing to listen to ideas for other ways we can make our antichrist government irrelevant and demonstrate the inferiority of secular humanism to Christianity.



Would Abolishing Police Lead to Anarchy?

Bo Marinov answers that question:

We have anarchy WITH police. When a certain class of people are given executive privilege to harass other people and even murder on the streets, this is anarchy. Right now, 800,000 police murder and rob more than all the private criminals in this country. And crime committed by cops is the only category of crime that is on the rise.

Cops don’t have an “impossible job.” Facts and figures clearly show that they have one of the easiest and safest jobs in the country. And in addition, they have the privilege to murder and rob with impunity. A cop can kill a person for any reason whatsoever; on the other hand, private citizens can’t defend themselves against rogue cops. Which is the opposite to what the Founding Fathers believed.

America had no police for the first several generations of its existence. And it was a well-ordered country. Police was introduced by corrupt Democrat politicians in the 1840s. Ever since, police has never, for a single moment, been an instrument for fighting crime. It has always been an instrument for protecting corrupt politicians from the population. And for collecting revenue for the government.

Evil Dirtbag Cop In Her Own Words

What kind of evil person would do this? She is the system. She is the broken one.  Stand up for what’s right.

I was forced to arrest a man at his job today. All the other workers and his employer saw him getting arrested. He was genuinely shocked that he was being arrested for a probation violation. His employer changed his work hours from evening to morning hours. He was on an ankle monitor so he called his P.O. to let them know, but they never returned his call. He didn’t want to lose his new job, so he reported to work as instructed. We showed up and arrested him for his probation violation. We tried to contact the P.O. a few days ago as well and didnt receive a returned phone call. There aren’t enough POs to handle their caseloads. When I put my cuffs on him, I watched his spirit leave his body. He was broken. He just got this job and he was begining to feel like a man again. His hands were rough and sweaty from hard work. He was angry, but held it inside. With a shaky voice, he told me that he did everything that was asked of him. I tried to console him and tell him that they would work it out. I told him that I would speak to his employer on his behalf if needed. I told him not to do anything stupid to get in trouble because of his frustration. As I put him in the back of a squad car, a single tear fell from his eye. He was broken. The system is broken.

Food for Thought

I emailed myself this quote from Facebook last May, and now I don’t remember who wrote it. Nevertheless, it is interesting, even if I may not agree quite 100%. Should we build a free Christian school? That would be expensive and time consuming. Is homeschooling not inadequate? I know there are plenty of Christians who would want to send their kids to school if there was an alternative to public school, but I think the gold standard of child education is homeschooling. It’s something to think about. Here’s the quote:

While calling sinful people to repentance is important, we’d be falling short of the Biblical standard if that’s all we do.

You can’t beat something with nothing.

If you want to get rid of the government-run schools, the way to do it is to offer a better alternative to the children who would otherwise end up there. Most likely, this means building our own free Christian schools, but it could take any other form that would work with the parents. Care for the orphan is a primary Christian duty, and children whose parents would abandon them to a Moloch school essentially fit the category.

If you want to get rid of power-religion churches, the way to do it is to build true, Christian churches, which aren’t beholden to the cult for power. Their fruit will be better (Matt 7:16), and so once the alternative is there, people would find no reason to join the power cults.

And if you want to get rid of abusive policing, offer an alternative. It’s not inconceivable to have a private company that can offer communities policing according to a Christian, self-sacrificial standard. What does this mean? We treat everybody with the presumption of innocence, and we never fire the first shot in self-defense. Offer the alternative to voters, and once it’s demonstrated to work better than the current practices, no community in America would have a reason not to switch to your demonstrably better approach.

Neither Jesus nor the apostles exhibited the deconstructionist rhetoric that I hear so often from my Recon friends. They lived in times of much bloodshed, slavery and abuse, yet they taught to honor the emperor (a rather shady guy), to pay the temple tax (which was clearly unjust, according to Jesus), and to honor the people sitting in Moses’ seat.

Does this mean they compromised? Not at all. The focus of their preaching was on constructing better alternatives. A new synagogue (the church of Christ) and a new society, with its own charity and its own judicial practices. Care for the orphans out of our own pockets. It’s all over the pages of the New Testament.

Our job is to faithfully construct godly alternatives. God will take care of the demolition. He demolished the temple and the empire. He’ll demolish today’s idols too. But only after we’ve built working alternatives (with His help).

And there is nothing that prevents us from building today. The only bottleneck is the shortage of our own faithfulness.

Tea Party Conservatives Using Same Arguments as Liberal Gun Grabbers

If your argument is that the freedoms the founding fathers gave us no longer apply, you aren’t a conservative. Or, maybe you are a conservative and, conservatism is now the enemy of America. I don’t know, but I’d like to consider myself a conservative who wants small government and cares about the founding principles that made this country great. You would think a Tea Party group would be the perfect place for me, but apparently not.

Bo Marinov Answering Objections to Open Borders

Here is Bo answering objections to a lady that said that having open borders is like leaving your front door unlocked. The following is Bo speaking, anything in quotes is the lady giving the objections:

We the citizens want to know who is coming and what they may be capable of? Well, that’s what the leftists say: “We the citizens want to know who has guns and what they can do with those guns.” The government is supposed to work for us, right? Simple common sense.

“That’s all……they need to go about coming here the right way, legally….”

You don’t know the law. There is no legal way to come, for most of them. The law is a socialist law, designed by Ted Kennedy to favor the trade unions. All the immigration laws in this country were designed by socialists. Before America had socialists in power, it was open borders.

“Are you willing to open the doors of your home for just the first ones who get there to move in among your family, eat your food, take the clothes you provided for your family, take your vehicle whenever they want, etc??????
There is no difference…..”

There is no difference????? There is no difference between a private owner owning his home and the government owning the land??? Are you serious? I used to hear that concept back in Eastern Europe, before 1989, under Communism. And I hear it hear it now in America, from Christians??? You believe the government is the owner of the land??? That is the dictionary definition of socialism. Since when are American Christians socialists?

“The people we put in office should do whatever is necessary to protect us and ours…..”

So if they decide that “whatever necessary” is murdering unborn babies, are you OK with that? Or arresting abortion protesters? Who decides what is necessary? Can the government violate the Law of God while “protecting” you? How safe are you under a government that makes arbitrary laws, criminalizing what the Bible doesn’t criminalize?

People Who Were Obeying the Law When Murdered by Cops

In conversations with cop apologists, they often claim that those who are obeying the law won’t get shot. Of course, that’s completely false. I can come up with a fairly long list of people who were obeying the law when they were shot by police, and in most cases, the cop doesn’t even suffer any consequences whatsoever, much less the death penalty.

And it’s also possible that someone who was breaking a law (or breaking an unjust law, which is no law at all) can still be murdered, but for this list I will stick with people who were completely innocent and obeying the police.

  1. Daniel Shaver
  2. Tamir Rice
  3. Philando Castile
  4. Justine Damond
  5. Freddie Gray
  6. Sam Dubose
  7. Terrence Crutcher
  8. Alton Sterling
  9. Akai Gurley
  10. Kathryn Johnston

There are others I could mention from farther back, but that is plenty for now. 


The Question That Got Me Kicked Out of a Tea Party Group

I have found that the participants in Facebook Tea Party groups have little actual regard for the ideas of the founding fathers. They are every bit as socialist as democrats. I was surprised to see this meme that I like posted by someone who seems to post a lot of socialist stuff.

I posted this comment:

Where on this chart are the people who want to tax me to build a wall, prevent me from hiring or having at my house who I want?

It took the lady who posted it about an hour to respond and she said, something like, “They’re on the right. I’m surprised you couldn’t figure it out for yourself.” I clicked on her profile link, thinking maybe I had not remembered her correctly, but within a few seconds, I realized that I had been blocked from the group.

It’s not the first tea party group I’ve been kicked out of. I had a fantastic discussion about how Social Security was socialist in a big tea party group. I was kicked out of it. But there are tea party groups where those came from. Maybe I should join a liberal group, but I’m sure after my first post about how abortion is murder, I’d be kicked out.

Oh well, I’ll just go on lighting brush fires in people’s minds about the gospel, freedom and capitalism.

Retarded Big-Government Conservatives

I made this video a few weeks ago, and referred a conservative advocating big-government border restrictions to it.

Here is his response. I highlighted the obvious problem.

And, you fail to see the intent of Varney. The ‘point,’ that you fail to realize, is that Trump is following the exact, same policy that all the socialist dems advocated years ago. And now, today, just because its Trump, they take a opposition stance. Keep up the good work troll.

Trump is doing what socialist democrats advocated years ago–the opposite of what Reagan did–and conservatives are tripping over themselves to endorse those socialist democrat policies. And I’m the troll?

Yes, liberals are stupid for opposing Trump just because they dislike him. And conservatives are stupid for supporting Trump just because they like him.

Trump is not conservative in hardly any way, but conservatives love him. He says something like, “America is great, here’s some big-government socialism for you.” And conservatives eat up the big-government socialism because all they heard was someone worshiping America like they do.  Trump is the second incarnation of Bill Clinton.