All posts by Samuel Adams

I've lived in Canon City my whole life. It makes me sick to think of where this country is headed. The solutions are in God's Word.

The Founding Fathers on Immigration

The found fathers listed immigration restrictions as a grievance against the King George in the Declaration of Independence. They wanted open borders.

“He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.”

Someone pointed out to me that this isn’t necessarily saying they wanted open borders, just that they didn’t like the British hindering immigration; maybe they just wanted to limit immigration as they saw fit. I would agree that it’s not giving a lot of detail on what they wanted, but we can see what they wanted after they came to power. Not only did they keep the borders wide open, but they didn’t even give the federal government the power to regulate immigration in the Constitution. The U.S. had open borders until the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, and almost completely open borders until the 1920s, and open enough for most people to come in even until 9/11.

Toast Ghost is Toast

I had this conversation a while ago and didn’t get around to posting it. It was in response to some sort of support for public school. It didn’t go well for Toast Ghost.

Me: The problem is you can’t please everyone, but you still force everyone to pay for public school whether they like it or not under threat of having their home confiscated. Every subject is political and religious, or at least has religious presuppositions and political implications, including math. The answer is to end public school.

Toast Ghost: Makes sense to me. An uneducated population is much easier to control. You are good at this authoritarian thing!

Me: Public school is what’s leading us to an uneducated population.

Could you explain how me being in favor of not making people pay for the government schooling of other people’s children makes me an authoritarian?

Toast Ghost: … long-term thinking isn’t really your thing is it? By the way… The explanation is kind of in the joke. Do you get joke? Wait… It does require a basic education to understand some jokes. You are against basic education. Answered my own question there.

Me: I don’t “get joke”.

Do you think government schooling is the same as education? Is it possible to be educated apart from public school?

Toast Ghost: … The truth is that you either educate your youth or you deal with the consequences. Obviously leaving education up to parents is a very bad idea… there are a lot of stupid people out there who have stupid and dangerous ideas like getting rid of social responsibility… Craziness.

Me: You said, “there are a lot of stupid people out there…” But, public school is so great and it’s the only option, even though it’s produced a lot of stupid people, right? We should definitely not explore other options, right? What percentage of parents would you say don’t care about their kids’ education?

China and Taiwan

A few years ago, I took a cruise on the Rhine River. For a little while, the river forms the border between France and Germany. It was puzzling to me that a couple times in the previous century, some moron in Berlin tells German men to go fight France and take their territory…and they obey him.

I’m confused by what the German leaders were thinking. They wanted to go in and defeat the French military and then tell the French people that your new government is in Berlin, and you just need to get back to work and send all your taxes to Germany now. The long term plan is just to get back to normal and pay taxes to Germany?

I’m definitely confused by the German men cooperating. Some of these Germans could look across the border and see French people and probably considered them neighbors they get along with. But then, they decide to risk life and limb so that their government can tax the French. It makes no sense to me.

The same goes for Russia and Ukraine. Russians are willing to go into Ukraine and give their lives so their government can govern portions of Ukraine? Russians are being told that Russians living in Ukraine are being abused by Nazis, but that’s surprisingly little reason to me to go and annihilate a bunch of Ukrainians.

The China and Taiwan situation is equally puzzling. The Chinese government thinks they have some right to boss around Taiwanese people and tax them. What are they smoking? Why do people want to control others so much? Would a Chinese guy be willing to give up his life so that his government can get a few percentage points richer? What kind of moron would do that?

Statism is a crazy religion.

Lying or Ignorant Cops

The idiot government employee pulled over a guy for one reason that was shown to be false. Then, he still demands ID and his victim asks for a supervisor. The supervisor shows up and says he can demand ID from any driver regardless of whether they’ve committed an infraction. This is shocking stupidity. I’m going with brassy and bold ignorance from the sergeant rather than lying. I think he really is that big of a moron.

I posted this in a group of people from Midland, Texas (where this took place) and more than half of the commenters were abject boot lickers. Here’s an example:

Driving is a right. That “driving is a privilege” crap is preposterous. This lady is an enormous, embarrassing boot licker. She would have supported the Nazis when they set up checkpoints to inspect everyone’s papers. If the cops followed the law, there would be no video. Men have died for our 4th Amendment rights. Machelle is an unamerican loser.

Here’s another example of a bootlicker.

It’s no surprise to find out a government school teacher is a bootlicker. But if you go around doing everything the government tells you, you might as well have no rights, and all the men that have died for your rights died in vain.

And here’s a comment that shows why we ought to post videos like this in places that aren’t just echo chambers.

If you just want to get along with the cops and do whatever they say, you have no rights. The men who died for your rights died in vain. If you want to protect your rights, you might have to lift a finger and it may cause conflict or even a minor inconvenience.

This video wouldn’t exist if the cops knew the law and obeyed the law. The only law breakers in this video were the cops, and I have no idea why anyone would support their actions in this incident.

Wise Words About 501c3

The IRS designation for churches is in section 501c3 and specifies that for churches to maintain a tax-free status, they can’t discuss certain topics. Having the government dictate to a church what they can talk about is outrageous and unacceptable. Here’s what Nicholas Perez has to say about it.

“By definition, it is impossible for the Church to make any such Covenant. Our Covenant is in Christ, and we as a body cannot possibly make  a Covenant with Christ’s enemy that would violate that. What “local churches” do, on the other hand is irrelevant, and has been for a long time. We need to ‘come out from among them (local churches) and be ye separate,’ saith the Lord.”

Why Even Keep Paying for Police?

Police apologists say police exist to protect us and to protect our rights. In reality, cops are legally allowed to lie to you and trick you into giving up your rights. They want you to spill your guts, and even if you’re innocent of whatever they’re asking about or just acting as a witness to a crime you’re not suspected of, if you mention something illegal you might have done, you will be in trouble. If you unintentionally contradict your testimony, you could be in trouble. They’re not there to protect your rights.

Police have no duty to protect you either. That is the decision of the Supreme Court in DeShaney vs. Winnebago and Town of Castle Rock vs. Gonzales. The incident in Uvalde and other mass shootings demonstrate that quite clearly. They’ll let a shooter kill your children before they do anything to stop him.

The alternative to hiring something done is to do it yourself. If we are going to end socialist-funded police services, a good percentage of Americans, both men and women have to be trained and armed. The young man in Indiana has demonstrated that to be a realistic plan. We need to get to know our neighbors and be willing to help each other.

Trusting government to do what we should be doing has made us weak. God forgive us and help us to not partake in the sins of socialism: covetousness and theft.

Boris Yeltsin Grocery Shopping In Houston

Boris Yeltsin, the leader of Russia, around the time of the fall of the USSR made an unscheduled visit to a grocery store in Houston, in 1989.

Yeltsin, then 58, “roamed the aisles of Randall’s nodding his head in amazement,” wrote Asin. He told his fellow Russians in his entourage that if their people, who often must wait in line for most goods, saw the conditions of U.S. supermarkets, “there would be a revolution.”

In Yeltsin’s own autobiography, he wrote about the experience at Randall’s, which shattered his view of communism, according to pundits. Two years later, he left the Communist Party and began making reforms to turn the economic tide in Russia. You can blame those frozen Jell-O Pudding pops.

“When I saw those shelves crammed with hundreds, thousands of cans, cartons and goods of every possible sort, for the first time I felt quite frankly sick with despair for the Soviet people,” Yeltsin wrote. “That such a potentially super-rich country as ours has been brought to a state of such poverty! It is terrible to think of it.”

The problem was not lack of production or corruption , it was the mismanagement of the goods to the store. Simply put, communism just didn’t work properly.

Leon Aron, quoting a Yeltsin associate, wrote in his biography, “Yeltsin, A Revolutionary Life” (St. Martin’s Press, 2000): “For a long time, on the plane to Miami, he sat motionless, his head in his hands. ‘What have they done to our poor people?’ he said after a long silence.” He added, “On his return to Moscow, Yeltsin would confess the pain he had felt after the Houston excursion: the ‘pain for all of us, for our country so rich, so talented and so exhausted by incessant experiments.’ ”

The Overturning of Roe v Wade

This is an amalgamation of the best comments I’ve heard on the overturning of Roe v Wade.

Occasionally people use something being legal to justify their sin, so there is one less court saying abortion is somehow constitutionally-protected. However, the decision also makes it clear that the murder of babies is acceptable if a state says so. States have defied the Supreme Court and federal law often, such as with legalization of marijuana, yet no state was willing to defy them to protect babies.

Many conservative states have taken the position that abortion is wrong except in the cases of the health of the mother or rape and incest. Abortion is wrong because it’s the murder of a human being, regardless of whether the father is a rapist. That is the only possible reason that abortion is wrong, and making exceptions to complete abolition is a terrible and self-defeating strategy.

The main strategy favored by some of my radical anti-abortion friends (I’d like to consider myself a radical anti-abortionist as well though I’m not as bold as many of the people I speak of) has been to work with state governments to defy Roe v Wade. They are often romansthirteened by even conservative Christians who say we shouldn’t be defying any level of government. Now, Christians have no excuse. It’s time to get in the battle. You can work to make abortion illegal at the state level or you can work to make it unthinkable by proclamation of God’s Word and gospel.

Overall, the decision is a partial victory and a glimmer of hope. It is a call to the church that there are no more excuses to avoid bold action. Take some time to celebrate and then get back to work.

A meme from a few years ago pointing out the stupidity of obeying Roe v Wade. Now, the gate is open.

Clean Our Own House

I’m in a Facebook group advocating for eliminating property taxes in Texas. I’m a pig in slop in that group, and it’s a large group. So many people are decrying the evils of government stealing via taxation and threats of confiscation. It’s awesome.

I don’t really know how they hope to fund things after eliminating property taxes. I’m in favor of not funding them at all. All government programs funded by theft should be eliminated, and if there is a demand for those services, there will be people who will fill the demand in the free market.

There is one woman in the group who thinks only people who send their kids to public school should be forced to pay property tax. I agree. However, it takes about $10-15,000 to educate a child in public school for a year. You could send a kid to a very nice private school for that amount. There are very few Texans with 2 kids paying $20,000 or more per year to their school district in property tax. Parents sending their kids to public school are receiving more in benefits from public school then they are paying.

I pointed out her hypocritical mooching and she is not my fan. Here’s the conversation.

Stupidest Cop Ever?

Over and over on this blog, I’ve asked myself and you, dear reader, whether a cop is stupid or lying when he breaks the law. I think the question has been largely settled by this video. This cop is just so stupid. I don’t think he’s the stupidest cop ever. I think he’s of average intelligence for a cop. Of course, average cop intelligence is far below intelligence for society as a whole.

You can see in this video, the morbidly obese cop say someone taught him the law, and he’s since reviewed the law. When quizzed on the law, he fails horribly. He abused a citizen, cost the city $125,000 and still doesn’t know the law. When cops bluster and talk big, you might think they’re lying, but they’re actually retarded. I’ve seen this over and over, and it has to be that the average cop is just amazingly stupid rather than lying.

Here’s the video: