Category Archives: Border Policy

False Presuppositions of Conservatives Revealed in Border Debate

Of course, not every conservative believes all these things, but as a whole, the arguments conservatives make against open borders reveal their false presuppositions–the beliefs behind the arguments.

1. Restricting immigration is like a homeowner locking his front door.

This argument presupposes that the government owns the entire country. That philosophy is known as socialism. A conservative who uses that argument reveals that they’re actually socialists. No wonder this country is such a mess when even the conservatives are socialists.

2. The population is already too great.

This argument presupposes that the free market is incapable of inducing people to solve problems (more socialist presuppositions). Housing will be built. Solutions to municipal water shortages will be found. People will move away from expensive places to cheaper places. If Mexico loses too many people, prices for real estate will go down, and wages will increase, and people will stay there or move back. The governments of countries that are losing people will have to straighten up and actually serve the people, or reduce taxes and regulation (gasp…freedom).

And besides that, have you ever driven across the country? There are certainly big cities, and even long stretches of places that are densely populated like LA to San Diego or Washington D.C. to Boston, but the vast majority of the country is uninhabited. There are places in the southwest that may not have enough water to support a large expansion of the population. But many places, like the Midwest have a lot of water, and are very sparsely populated. Entire states could support a many-fold population increase.

Also, if conservatives want to use this argument, they’re using the same argument as population control and abortion advocates.

3. Our culture would change.

The false presupposition is that our culture shouldn’t change. We’ve murdered 60 million babies, and millions of innocent people through the warfare state. Our taxes are outrageous. The vast majority of people send their kids to the government for their education. There are a lot of good things about America, but an unbiblical border policy isn’t one of them. How is God going to bless a country that is so fearful and hateful towards outsiders, when we were all once outsiders?

Most hispanics who come here are Catholic, and I think Catholics have a false gospel, but they have a generally Christian worldview. They value children, family, thrift and hard work. They are more American than Americans. They have some shortcomings, but I have found them to be great people.

Muslims who come here from the middle east are leaving the Muslim world–not because it’s so great, but because they prefer something else. Most Muslims are nominal Muslims, and I think if a concerted effort were made, Islam would be defeated by the superior Christian worldview through evangelism. I think most Muslims who come here would have no problem complying with Old Testament restrictions on idolatry.

A page from a book written by a missionary to the Middle East in the early 1900s who says that Islam is on the brink of defeat. Muslim countries are so backwards they force their citizens to get passports and require permits for so many things. The way to defeat Islam is not to become more like Islam.

4. Government can make whatever laws it wants.

This argument just reveals idolatry. Government cannot make whatever laws it wants. God is our lawgiver (Isaiah 33:22). The government’s only job is to punish evildoers (Romans 13:4). Crossing a border isn’t a sin, and therefore, no government permission is required to do something that isn’t a sin.

This bears out historically. America’s borders were completely open until the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 (Which was obviously stupid. Chinese-Americans are usually high-achieving and contribute to society. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a homeless Chinese person).

There is no power in the Constitution for Congress to regulate immigration. And before you quote anything about naturalization, look up what that word means, it’s not the same as immigration.

5. They’ll take our jobs.

Only a true socialist–like the government-educated American conservative–could make such a communist argument. The first obvious error is that when people move into an area is that more services are demanded, which means more jobs. The second obvious error is that jobs aren’t owned by the commune (communism) but by the employer. Way to show a complete disrespect to free market economics!

6. Liberals are for open borders.

As you’ve already seen, the “conservative” arguments for restricting immigration are socialist, unamerican and anti-Christian, in other words, liberal. This also bears out in recent American history.

Brain Dead Conservatives

I posted this question to a tea party Facebook group and had an interesting conversation with one of the many socialists who are trying to pass as conservatives. Here’s the question, and the conversation.

ΜΕ ⇒ Does anyone know what the immigration policy the founding fathers implemented? Should their policies and thinking on the subject influence us as conservatives?

SOCIALIST ⇒ Our borders were to be secured. I believe that is clear!

ΜΕ ⇒ That is the opposite of the truth. There were no limitations on immigration. The borders were open until the 1920s. The Constitution doesn’t give Congress the power to regulate immigration–only naturalization.

SOCIALIST ⇒ To secure our border was always a priority. To say otherwise is just plan idiotic.

ΜΕ ⇒ Secure from invaders, yes. But the founders gave us open borders.

SOCIALIST ⇒ isn’t 25 million a threat? At what point does a group become an occupational force that then needs to be handled like a security issue, a national threat?

ΜΕ ⇒ So you don’t care about the legacy of the founding fathers. The only threat to the American way of life is conservatives who advocate for socialism and big government–like you.

SOCIALIST ⇒ Wow, you’re an argumentative ass. …you also know nothing. ….I think you’re a lying troll trying to confuse people into believing that conservatives did the immoral deeds and sins that the progressives and Democrats are responsible for…..

ΜΕ ⇒ You’ve been duped. The founding fathers gave us open borders, and socialists and Marxists want central control of the labor markets. Democrats have been the ones who want to limit immigration. Conservatives like Reagan and the founding fathers advocate small government and free immigration. Show me the limitations the founding fathers placed on immigration. Otherwise, just admit you don’t care what they thought.

SOCIALIST ⇒ officiating the truth is a tactic of the left. …you are an evil person! [Editor’s note: I have no idea what this means.]

ΜΕ ⇒ I  know it doesn’t feel good to be shown that you’re advocating for Marxist policies. But show me where the founding fathers limited immigration. In fact, one of the reasons given for their secession in the Declaration was that the king was trying to prevent immigration, and they wanted free immigration.

SOCIALIST ⇒ Lynette, he is a member of the tea party. ….but only to troll. …he is a bad person.

ΜΕ ⇒ Being in the tea party would indicate that I have an affinity for America’s founding principles. I realize what they gave us is the opposite of what conservatives believe today.

SOCIALIST ⇒ Unjust taxes is a strong belief by many independents /Liberians…..taxation without representation. Non professional politicians. [Editor’s note: It’s officially gone off the rails for our socialist friend.]

ΜΕ ⇒ Do you reject the immigration/border policies of the founding fathers?

SOCIALIST ⇒ take your medication and go back inside to your therapy group, they miss you!


I’ve had this same conversations several times, but I thought this one was relatively short, so appropriate to post here. I think this meme is a very accurate portrayal of how these conversations go.

Comment on the Video From Yesterday

In reference to yesterday’s video, Bojidar Marinov had this to say about whether it’s polite for immigrants to this country to only speak English in public.

Until 1920, the US had large areas where English was a minority language. In 1875, more than half the newspapers in St. Louis MO were printed in German or other languages. Central and North Texas had more German speakers than English speakers until the 1930s. I have friends of Norwegian and Swedish descent who grew up listening to sermons in Scandinavian languages in their churches in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and that was back in the 1960s. The majority of the Dutch Reformed theologians in America in the 20th century grew up with Dutch being the main language spoken in their communities.

Guess who started the campaign to unify all under the same language.

The socialists. The campaign started in the late 1800s, and behind it were Fabian socialists who were concerned that a diverse population could be much harder to control. One of the concepts behind the government schools was to make all the kids uniform under the same language, Once the kids were separated from the language of the parents, they would be an easy prey for socialists to indoctrinate.

Well, they succeeded.

Conversation With a Crazy Guy

Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time I’ve had a conversation where the person doesn’t understand a concept from Kindergarten: That which isn’t illegal is legal.  I thought this was funny at first, but by the end it just got kind of sad. Here it is.

Crazy Guy – At least support your claim. Simply stating something does not make it fact. Tell me how biblical law supports open borders.

Me – Because there is no law against people moving to ancient Israel. In fact it is desirable. You’re the one who wants to enforce unjust immigration laws written by Ted Kennedy.

Crazy Guy – Welcoming strangers does not equate to allowing the free-flow of immigrants – the notion is ridiculous.

1 Timothy 5:8 ESV
But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

Open borders are, without a doubt, counter-intuitive to this verse – fullstop.

Numbers 20:14-21 reports:

“Moses sent messengers from Kadesh to the king of Edom: ‘Thus says your brother Israel … here we are in Kadesh, a city on the edge of your territory. Please let us pass through your land. We will not pass through field or vineyard, or drink water from a well. We will go along the King’s Highway. We will not turn aside to the right hand or to the left until we have passed through your territory.’ But Edom said to him, ‘You shall not pass through, lest I come out with the sword against you.’ And the people of Israel said to him, ‘We will go up by the highway, and if we drink of your water, I and my livestock, then I will pay for it. Let me only pass through on foot, nothing more.’ But he said, ‘You shall not pass through.’ And Edom came out against them with a large army and with a strong force. Thus Edom refused to give Israel passage through his territory, so Israel turned away from him.”

Me – Edom is a pagan nation that had the laws of men. I guess it’s fitting that you’re using Edom’s pagan border policies to defend Ted Kennedy’s socialist border policies. 1 Timothy 5:8 has nothing to do with border policy.

There was no law against immigrating to Israel. God’s law defines justice. Your choice is between the law of God and the arbitrary, unjust laws of men.

Crazy Guy – Prove it.

Me – Prove what? If something isn’t illegal, it’s legal. If it’s illegal, show me, and I will repent. This is really quite simple.

Crazy Guy – Prove to me there were no immigration laws in ancient Israel. I will await your quotes from The Bible which proves this.

Also, just because the Bible speaks of welcoming strangers, it does not mean they were openly allowed in without restriction.

Me – This would all be discovered by you reading Scripture.

Crazy Guy – I’ve read it, multiple times, in Armenian and English. Now, if you could substantiate your claims that would be much appreciated. If you can’t, we will end the conversation here.

Me – How can I show you something that doesn’t exist?

Crazy Guy – If it doesn’t exist, how can you make a claim?

Me – A prohibition on immigrating to Israel doesn’t exist. Therefore, there is freedom to move to Israel.

This is one of the funniest conversations I’ve had in a while.

Crazy Guy – Wrong. Just because something specific was not written in the Bible, does not mean it DOESN’T exist.

You make claims based on something NOT written, rather than something written. What a joke.

The Bible is basically void of Jesus’ younger years, so using you logic it would mean those years didn’t exist.

Me – The law of the Lord is perfect (Psalm 19:7). I’m sorry you don’t like what it says.

Crazy Guy – Exodus 34:24

“For I will drive out nations before you and ENLARGE YOUR BORDERS, and no man shall covet your land when you go up three times a year to appear before the LORD your God.”

I guess God is following the Devil, too? If there is no need for borders, why did God promise to enlarge them? If there is no need for borders, why would God secure control of land to a certain person or group?

Me – Borders are to limit governments. Not to prevent the free movement of people. Thanks for the conversation. I have to get going.

Crazy Guy – Where is this law you claim to exist? If it is not written, it must not exist. You cannot substantiate you claim, and you therefor run from providing an answer.

I’m Sick of Dumb Christians

Here’s a quick outline for why open borders is the correct position.

1. Crossing a border is not a sin.
2. Working and doing business–contributing to society– is good.
3. Therefore, a Mexican moving to the U.S. and working is usually good for everyone–the employer, the immigrant and his or her family, the economy and U.S. society.
4. The only argument remaining against this is that they came here illegally.
5. The Constitution gives ZERO power to the federal government to regulate immigration.
6. Any existing laws are therefore unconstituional.
7. Conservatives advocating a wall or immigration controls reveal that they don’t really care about the Constitution.
8. Since crossing a border and working are not sinful and are good, any law limiting immigration is not only unconstitutional, but unjust.
8. Christians quote Romans 13 as if it teaches blind obedience to the government.
9. What it actually says is that government is supposed to praise good deeds (verse 4) like immigration.
10. If you are opposed to free immigration, your beliefs are unamerican, unconstitutional and antichrist.

Freedom, small-government and free markets are the solution. Socialism is not the answer.

Does the Constitution Limit Immigration

I had a short conversation with a conservative who thinks the constitution allows the federal government to regulate immigration. Of course, the constitution has nothing to do with how the government actually operates, but conservatives are supposed to care, right? In reality, they don’t care about the constitution anymore than liberals.

Here’s the conversation, which was later deleted by the “conservative”.

He blew a lot of steam, but never provided any documentation. I was about to provide documentation when he deleted the post, so here is what I found.

This is all the constitution says about federal power on this topic, found in section 8:

4: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

There is nothing else about immigration or border control anywhere in it. This jives with what we saw in American history, with no government limits on immigration until the 1920s.

But what is the definition of naturalization? Of course, the right to murder babies and for two dudes to get married has been “found” in the constitution, but that isn’t the type of law that conservatives are interested in practicing, right?

Here’s the legal definition of naturalization:

The act of adopting an alien into a nation, and clothing him with all the rights possessed by a natural- born citizen. Boyd v. Nebraska, 143 U. S. 135, 12 Sup. Ct. 375, 36 L. Ed. 103.

The constitution gives the federal government the right to control who becomes a citizen and how. That is fine with me. I don’t think that everyone who comes here to work for a few years or the rest of their lives has to become a citizen.