Category Archives: End Public School

Not In Our School

Canon City is pretty conservative. By today’s standard, Canon City in the early 1990s, would have been staunchly conservative. My parents sent me to public school, and they had their misgivings, and it was definitely not openly liberal or antichrist.

However, I did once try to witness to my high school gym teacher (several years after graduating) and he revealed himself as being a God-hating person in that conversation. Recently, the same thing happened on Facebook with my junior high English teacher. On an article talking about gay Polis’ pretend husband, I said I would pray for their repentance. Several people liked my comments, but several supported homosexuality, included my English teacher.

I pointed out that the same defense she used to support homosexuality left her defenseless against pedophiles. There has to be some absolute standard we must hold to. She told me I was like talking to a brick wall, while not answering my objections at all.

So, going to public school didn’t ruin me, by the grace of God. But your conservative, little school with all the Christians may not be as Christian as you think.

Confusion In The Camp

Over and over, when talking with “conservative” police or public school supporters, I call those programs socialist, and the “conservative” says something like, “Those aren’t socialist programs, we pay for it.” Here’s another example of exactly that, and how I responded.

Crazy conservative lady says, “You are the one calling names here! NO we are not socialists if we send our kids to public school. WE PAY FOR IT. Many parents cannot afford private school. Glad you can; good for you. I don’t see you out there on the front lines trying to get more charter schools or doing anything else that’s positive. So what are your “personal sacrifices” – or are you just talk? Meh, Basic communication note: you won’t convert anyone to your side with your hostile, accusatory rhetoric. But I don’t think you care.”

I said, “I want you to re-read what you just wrote, and I hope that you will see that this is exactly why we are losing this country to socialism. We conservatives don’t have a clear understanding of what socialism is or why it’s wrong. How can we win a battle when most of the people on our side don’t even know who the enemy is? The battle for this country is all but lost if we don’t get this right.

Socialism is wrong, because it’s based on covetousness and theft. People are forced to pay for it whether they like it or not. People with five kids receive approximately $50,000/year in benefits while people without kids receive nothing. Some people don’t believe in public school and don’t want to support it with their money, but if they don’t pay their property taxes, they will have their home confiscated. This system is pure evil. I don’t understand why I’m the only one here that sees it. Socialism doesn’t work, because the system doesn’t have to please customers. Public school is socialism, and it’s contrary to historical conservative beliefs.

The next time socialists are on the verge of passing free healthcare are you going to say, “It’s not socialism. WE PAY FOR IT.”? Can you please be consistent and apply all the reasons that you would oppose free college or socialized medicine to all these socialist programs that you seem to like?

“You are the one calling names here!”

First of all, you need to toughen up a little. I haven’t actually insulted anyone, but put a label on the position people hold. People get called names every day in this group. It’s just that it’s not usually you. There is no doubt that people who send their kids to public school are welfare recipients. Public schools spend $10,000/year on each student. It costs parents nothing. They are receiving free education. I don’t even know why you object to being called that when it’s obviously true.

“I don’t see you out there on the front lines trying to get more charter schools or doing anything else that’s positive.”

Government schooling is evil and built on socialism. Charter schools are still funded by socialism, and still run according to government rules. If that’s what you’re doing, you are the reason we are losing this country. That is one of the worst things anyone could do. It’s like saying socialism is OK if we tweak it a little. It is a losing strategy.

I don’t private school my children. I homeschool my children and could do it for about $100 per year for books. That is why I say the anti-socialism in this group is hogwash when most people could easily homeschool their children, but they prefer the benefits of socialism.”

Another “Conservative”

I’ve already posted the conversation that preceded this about how public school is bad. This guy comes along a few days later and posts this comment, and here is my response, but I have a few additional comments below.

What I didn’t bother to say in reply to the guy is that the whole purpose of the group and politics is to convince people to think a certain way. (At least that’s what it ought to be, but most use it to get government to force people to do things–the actual Gestapo.)

When he says “You have NO right to tell people they have to think a certain way…”, he’s telling me I have to think a certain way. The statement is self-refuting, and shows the level of thought in this group. It’s as if everyone in the group has gone to substandard public schools. He can’t live up to his own principle.

The whole principle of public school is built on the idea that society, the government, the voters or whoever, is going to force people to pay for government schooling whether they like it or not.

I unashamedly attempt to convince people of my beliefs, which include pointing out the immorality of forcing people to pay for public schools. I can see certain situations where in the far-from-biblical world we live in where some people might almost have no choice but to send their kids to public school, accept social security or welfare. I see no way around using roads or occasionally having to call the police or fire department. What I don’t see is conservatives supporting those socialist programs and not working to establish alternatives so that they can be ended…exactly for the reason that Henry points out. Because those programs demand a Gestapo to force people to pay for them whether they like it or not.

Henry’s comments were completely hypocritical. He’s the one supporting the Gestapo. He’s the one violating his own principle of not telling others what to think.

And I also don’t care for those who post responses and never respond back after I reply. Which he has done in the past.

How Public School Fosters Socialism and Communism

That’s a great video, and she makes great points. I’m sure elsewhere, she’s covered the fact that the whole thing is funded by socialism. People without kids and people who don’t send their kids to public school and those who are morally opposed to government education (me) are still forced to pay via property taxes. And don’t think that if you’re a renter that you get out of paying property tax.

It’s Free

The following comes from Jerri Lynn Ward.

Hi!  I am an American parent.  I willingly send my children as young as 5 years old to be educated by people I don’t know because it’s FREE!  Aren’t I smart? I know the teachers might be Commies and that they might make my kids learn about anal sex as practiced by sodomites, but it is FREE!  I know my 5 year old might get beat up on the bus, but it is FREE!  I know that education majors are taught bullshit and come from the stupid category of college majors, but it is FREE!  I know that government schools outlaw the influence of Christ, but I can make up for 38 hours a week of humanism with 30 minutes of Sunday School at my mega church.  Besides,  it’s FREE!

Be Consistent

Liberals are too far gone to even criticize. Conservatives may have hope, but require some serious criticism for their disgusting inconsistency. Here’s one great example.

If you don’t get how the pledge of allegiance is socialist, spend a few minutes looking into who wrote it and why. Even if it weren’t written by a socialist, there is no room in conservatism for pledging allegiance to any state. Such a pledge is anathema to the basic principles of conservatism. The state is a necessary evil in conservatism that we’re certainly not allowing the state to claim any rights over our children.

Think about sending your kids to government several hours per day from the age of 5 to 18 where they pledge their allegiance to that government. It’s a cult. No conservative or Christian in this country should be involved in public school in any way shape or form, other than to stand outside of it and protest its existence. It is that evil and that antichrist.

Slippery Slope to Socialism

I spoke with a couple people demonstrating for universal healthcare on 9th and Royal Gorge today. I asked them what exactly they’re wanting, and they wouldn’t really commit to anything specific, saying there are several different proposals being discussed in the state legislature.

I pointed out that whatever they’re advocating, if it’s based on taxation, and forcing people to pay, they’re committing the sin of covetousness, and they’re in favor of government theft.

The guy said we already fund fire services, public schools, etc by taxation. I told him we homeschool, and don’t receive a dime from the government, yet I’m forced to pay for the education of other people’s children under threat of confiscation of my property. We learn in kindergarten that it’s wrong to force people to participate in something they don’t want to do.

But he is absolutely correct in pointing out that if I were to take the position that it is just fine to fund public school, fire departments, and police services by socialism, then it is perfectly fine to fund everyone’s healthcare by socialism. Any line that you want to draw between public school and public healthcare is completely arbitrary. There is no logical reason why one would be acceptable, and the other unacceptable.

That is why unless we take a stand against all socialism, we will lose this debate. Our society will be based on covetousness, unless we start applying Scripture to the public discourse, and appeal to God’s law written on people’s hearts–even socialists. It is equally wrong for conservatives and Christians to covet taxpayer money for public school, police, fire services or border walls, as it is for liberals to covet money for healthcare.

Canon City School District Incompetence

I went to a basketball game at the Canon City Middle School, and they had several buckets out to catch water leaking from the ceiling. For the sake of argument, we’ll assume it’s because the roof is leaking, which is probably a safe assumption.

It is perfectly predictable that the roof would leak. All roofs will eventually leak. Roofs last a certain amount of time, and then, they fail. This is why any competent homeowner and building owner has funds set aside for roof replacement, and other maintenance items that we all know are coming eventually.

The original building of the middle school is over 100 years old, while the gym, I’d guess, was built sometime in the 1970s. That’s practically brand new as far as most buildings and homes in this area are concerned. A building built in that era is well-built and functional, assuming it’s properly maintained, which, as we now know, is not a safe assumption.

The problem is that the original portion of the junior high hasn’t been well maintained. They have done a poor job of maintaining it, so they want to tear it down. Granted, a 100 year old building may have issues that come up, and may not be built to modern standards, but when I went there, it was a nice building, and even as a kid in my early teens, I appreciated the antiquity of it.

The irony is that they have shown themselves to be incompetent at maintaining that building, so the voters have chosen to raise taxes so that they can tear it down, and continue their incompetence. Their incompetence has been rewarded. Why anyone thinks they’ll be able to maintain the next building is beyond me.

It’s possible that the roof in the gym just recently started leaking, and they’re diligently seeking bids for its replacement, for which, they have adequate savings. But it’s also possible that it is evidence that they’re also incapable of maintaining a building built much more recently, and that they’re incapable of budgeting for large expenses, even if they are to be expected.

But why bother budgeting or properly maintaining a relatively young 40 or 50 year old building when they can use the water damage to show that taxes need to be raised? All they have to do is show people the water damage, say there are no funds for its replacement, and covetous voters will gladly spend other people’s money to fix it. That has proven to be a successful strategy for them.

Should we be embarrassed that past voters are so cheap that they’ve inadequately funded education, or that we’ve elected and hired people who are incapable at maintaining nice buildings?

The Mystery

The following is all from Bojidar Marinov, and well-worth the time.

Here’s the mystery: In the 45 years child slaughter was approved by the supreme court, sixty million babies have been murdered in the womb. Abortion has been politicized and has further divided the two political parties.  Democrat families are far more likely to murder their children.  Given that, it is reasonable to think many of those 60 million murdered babies would grow up and vote Democrat. Given that roughly the same number vote for each side in presidential elections, one could assume that by now, the Democrat voting bloc would be drastically reduced.  Here is the mystery: It hasn’t.  How does that happen?

The argument that illegal immigrants replace the babies as voters doesn’t work, since the most generous estimate of the number of illegals here is 15 million. That’s not nearly enough.  Another main argument, “dead people vote Democrat” is equally invalid.  In both cases, the numbers are too low to explain the discrepancy. So where is the answer to the mystery?

It’s in the government schools, the same schools that counties endow with billions of dollars of bonds when the vote comes up. We think, “our schools are different,” but they are not. They are all part of the tenth plank of the Communist Manifesto. And while parents watch FOX News and imagine themselves fighting against “cultural Marxism,” they actually deliver their children to the institution established by classical Marxism, as per the Communist Manifesto and then increase funding at every opportunity.  How many college graduates from Republican families vote Democrat?

So I told my Bulgarian listeners: “You can be active every day in evangelism, legal work, protests and other political activities, you can write blogs and deliver sermons and lectures, you can debate and defeat “cultural Marxism” all day long and you can translate and publish and promote good Christian and conservative and libertarian books and the world may look up to you as the ultimate example of a cultural warrior for Christ . . . if your children are still in the government schools, it is all pointless. Eventually, they will vote against your faith. So, before you do anything else, go back home, and take them out. And, pastors, you are especially guilty. So start preaching an exodus from the government schools right now, if you want the next generation of Christians to be there when you grow old.”

One pastor came to me after the sermon and confided, “I am one of those especially guilty. I knew about homeschooling many years ago, but I was too timid and lazy to do it. My children are grown up now, and they lack fervor in their faith. The school has taken a good care of them. But I will be changing my preaching. I will use your mystery as a starting point.”

This is Luscious

Here’s a small school district in Ohio where homeschoolers are having a tremendous effect in destroying public school. This is how we end socialism: we stop participating. We stop accepting the benefits.

It’s easy to mock Bernie Sanders for being a socialist, and wanting to make college free for everyone. The question is, are those who are mocking him for wanting 17 years of free education benefiting from 13 years of free education for their children? If they are, they have no credibility. They’re socialist hypocrites who are helping build up American socialism.

Here’s the quote from the article that is worth its weight in gold. If this doesn’t motivate you to homeschool, I don’t know what will.

“And, home schooling is causing the bottom to fall out of public education. There is a whole new subculture regarding home school, and no one hates it more than me.”

That’s cause for celebration in my book!

No one hates public school more than me. If we can cause the bottom to fall out of it just by doing what Scripture demands parents do–take charge of our children’s education, let’s do it! If your children are already grown, you can help parents who have school-aged children. Homeschoolers in your area almost certainly have Facebook groups where you can join and hopefully find opportunities to help.

Homeschooling may be the most important thing we can do to win our country for Christ. And, if you’re worried about the quality of education your kids receive at home, you should be worried about the quality of education they receive at public school. The U.S. ranks very poorly in the world for education. Homeschooled kids aren’t missing out on anything except a substandard, socialist education.