All posts by Samuel Adams

I've lived in Canon City my whole life. It makes me sick to think of where this country is headed. The solutions are in God's Word.

The Mystery

The following is all from Bojidar Marinov, and well-worth the time.

Here’s the mystery: In the 45 years child slaughter was approved by the supreme court, sixty million babies have been murdered in the womb. Abortion has been politicized and has further divided the two political parties.  Democrat families are far more likely to murder their children.  Given that, it is reasonable to think many of those 60 million murdered babies would grow up and vote Democrat. Given that roughly the same number vote for each side in presidential elections, one could assume that by now, the Democrat voting bloc would be drastically reduced.  Here is the mystery: It hasn’t.  How does that happen?

The argument that illegal immigrants replace the babies as voters doesn’t work, since the most generous estimate of the number of illegals here is 15 million. That’s not nearly enough.  Another main argument, “dead people vote Democrat” is equally invalid.  In both cases, the numbers are too low to explain the discrepancy. So where is the answer to the mystery?

It’s in the government schools, the same schools that counties endow with billions of dollars of bonds when the vote comes up. We think, “our schools are different,” but they are not. They are all part of the tenth plank of the Communist Manifesto. And while parents watch FOX News and imagine themselves fighting against “cultural Marxism,” they actually deliver their children to the institution established by classical Marxism, as per the Communist Manifesto and then increase funding at every opportunity.  How many college graduates from Republican families vote Democrat?

So I told my Bulgarian listeners: “You can be active every day in evangelism, legal work, protests and other political activities, you can write blogs and deliver sermons and lectures, you can debate and defeat “cultural Marxism” all day long and you can translate and publish and promote good Christian and conservative and libertarian books and the world may look up to you as the ultimate example of a cultural warrior for Christ . . . if your children are still in the government schools, it is all pointless. Eventually, they will vote against your faith. So, before you do anything else, go back home, and take them out. And, pastors, you are especially guilty. So start preaching an exodus from the government schools right now, if you want the next generation of Christians to be there when you grow old.”

One pastor came to me after the sermon and confided, “I am one of those especially guilty. I knew about homeschooling many years ago, but I was too timid and lazy to do it. My children are grown up now, and they lack fervor in their faith. The school has taken a good care of them. But I will be changing my preaching. I will use your mystery as a starting point.”

Lying Cops #1009

The law in every state is that you must be suspected of a crime before the police can lawfully demand ID. I often wonder whether these cops genuinely don’t know that or whether they know it and they’re trying to intimidate people into surrendering their rights. I think in this case, they were lying through their teeth saying this guy had to give ID, since they ended up walking away.

Either way, their behavior is reprehensible, as supposedly, the American people have hired them to protect us and our rights. They fail miserably at that job (they’ve failed to protect 60 million babies murdered by abortion), and in fact attempt to take away our rights. You have to know what your rights are, and protect your own rights against these armed nut jobs. They will not protect your rights.

And these two guys are unfit for service as they’re morbidly obese, and I think they’re probably quite stupid.

When are citizens going to hold these people accountable? When are people going to realize that cops aren’t protecting anyone? I’ll answer my own questions. It will be either 10 years after pastors start preaching God’s law, or 10 years after the majority of children no longer attend public school.

Resist the Devil and He Will Flee From You

The following quote is awesome. It is from David Chilton in his book, Paradise Restored.

Indeed, a very common evangelical worldview is that “the earth is the devil’s, and the fullness thereof” – that the world belongs to Satan, and that Christians can expect only defeat until the Lord returns. And that is exactly the lie that Satan wants Christians to believe. If God’s people think the devil is winning, it makes his job just that much easier. What would he do if Christians stopped retreating and started advancing against him? James 4:7 tells us what he would do: he would flee from us! So why isn’t the devil fleeing from us in this age? Why are Christians at the mercy of Satan and his servants? Why aren’t Christians conquering kingdoms with the Gospel, as they did in times past? Because Christians are not resisting the devil! Worse yet, they’re being told by their leaders not to resist, but to retreat instead! Christian leaders have turned James 4:7 inside out, and are really giving aid and comfort to the enemy because they are, in effect, saying to the devil: “Resist the Church, and we will flee from you!” And Satan is taking them at their word. So then, when Christians see themselves losing on every front, they take it as “proof” that God has not promised to give dominion to His people. But the only thing it proves is that James 4:7 is true, after all, including its “flip side” – that is, if you don’t resist the devil, he won’t flee from you.

Defeat Socialism – Don’t Call the Police

The way to defeat socialism is to not utilize socialist-funded services. Take your kids out of public school. Don’t call the police. Don’t accept Social Security payments.

I realize these things are hard to pull off, and there aren’t many who are doing it, but we have to do what we can, and help teach others so they can do something, too. I enjoyed this short conversation with a guy who must have assumed I’m not already doing what he suggested.

One other thing I would point out is that there are very good practical reasons for not calling the police, even if you did think they were honest and trustworthy. The average police response time could be 10 minutes. The best they can often do is show up after the crime has been committed.

What if your neighbor really is in trouble? There are practical reasons why you might want to help your neighbor inside of 10 minutes. We are to love our neighbors more than we love ourselves (that is what the blue government thugs are failing miserably to do). Loving them involves being willing to run over to their house to help them–not pawning that responsibility off on government.

However, there are times when we are legally required to call the police, and there is no alternative to driving on socialist-funded roads, but we start with what we can do and demand change on the other items as well.

Here’s the conversation.

This is Luscious

Here’s a small school district in Ohio where homeschoolers are having a tremendous effect in destroying public school. This is how we end socialism: we stop participating. We stop accepting the benefits.

It’s easy to mock Bernie Sanders for being a socialist, and wanting to make college free for everyone. The question is, are those who are mocking him for wanting 17 years of free education benefiting from 13 years of free education for their children? If they are, they have no credibility. They’re socialist hypocrites who are helping build up American socialism.

Here’s the quote from the article that is worth its weight in gold. If this doesn’t motivate you to homeschool, I don’t know what will.

“And, home schooling is causing the bottom to fall out of public education. There is a whole new subculture regarding home school, and no one hates it more than me.”

That’s cause for celebration in my book!

No one hates public school more than me. If we can cause the bottom to fall out of it just by doing what Scripture demands parents do–take charge of our children’s education, let’s do it! If your children are already grown, you can help parents who have school-aged children. Homeschoolers in your area almost certainly have Facebook groups where you can join and hopefully find opportunities to help.

Homeschooling may be the most important thing we can do to win our country for Christ. And, if you’re worried about the quality of education your kids receive at home, you should be worried about the quality of education they receive at public school. The U.S. ranks very poorly in the world for education. Homeschooled kids aren’t missing out on anything except a substandard, socialist education.

Time to Wake Up

You have to check out this incident. The cops went to take away the guns of a guy based only on the testimony of one person. The guy refused, and was murdered by the police.

I admire him for following through on the promise that so many make–that the only way you’ll get their guns is to take them out of their cold dead hands.

This also shows that when cops say they’ll never participate in taking guns from people, they’re either lying, or there is no shortage of cops who make no such claim. The job of police is to take away your rights.

I think what the cops who say they’ll never participate in confiscating firearms actually mean is that they won’t go door-to-door taking everyone’s guns. They don’t mean they won’t take someone’s guns who had a warrant signed by a judge. They won’t take a minute to determine whether the process is just, or whether the judge is wrong. None of them would hesitate to take someone’s guns in that situation. That is what they all do every day, even those who say they believe in the 2nd Amendment and would never participate in a gun confiscation scenario.

This is murder by the biblical standard, but there will never be any arrests, much less a trial. There is a standard for justice beyond the laws of men.

Now, what I want everyone to realize is that the police are the enemy of freedom. They are the ones who will come and  take it. If it has to be taken out of your cold dead hand, that’s just fine. So many of the so-called patriots are also thin-blue-line bootlickers. We can do something about this, but only if freedom-loving Americans are able to discern who the enemy is.

Who’s Side Is This Guy On?

This Tucker Carlson/PragerU video spends about four out of five minutes of its length describing how border regulations have traditionally been a liberal Democrat position. That is a point I even made a video about, which I’ll post again below the Tucker Carlson video. He’s too stupid to realize that espousing the socialist position on this topic is bad. And the commenters on Youtube certainly don’t get it.

My Christian friends will occasionally post videos of Bill Clinton saying the things Tucker quotes in the video. Their point is to say that Trump is ridiculed for saying the same thing Clinton said 20 years ago. I point out that TRUMP IS SAYING THE SAME THING CLINTON SAID 20 YEARS AGO. Conservatives thought Clinton was a bad dude back then, but now they’re endorsing Clinton’s policies, and they’ve been duped into thinking that’s a good thing. Trump is the 2nd coming of Bill Clinton and conservatives and Christians love him. Have they all moved to the left, or do they just blindly follow anyone who has an “R” after their name.

I also am interested in exploring some of the history with Cesar Chavez as there is an elementary school and a street named after him in Pueblo. He was a socialist dirtbag who resorted to violence to limit immigration. That topic may be a great idea for a tract to pass out in Pueblo.

Here’s a couple of questions I have for old Tucker.

  1. If the party who gives “illegals” citizenship gets the votes of the illegals, why don’t Republicans do as Reagan did and give them citizenship?
  2. If illegals vote so decisively for Democrats, and Democrats are scheming to get people stepping right off the boat into the polling booth, why did Obama deport more than all previous presidents combined?

Here’s my video showing that not only are the Republicans endorsing Democrat policies of 20 years ago, they’re endorsing Obama’s policies. Their hatred of him is still palpable, yet they’re just so duped.

Almost Poetic Perspective on Honduran Women

I read this, and I was thinking a little more about it later, and I was thinking it’s a poem. I went back and read it, and it’s not a poem, but it is poetic. I like it, and I usually hate poems.

“We let glossy-lipped, TelePrompTer women, who have Mexicans clean their homes, tell us that we should be terrified of the sunburned callous-handed, Hondurans who hate corruption enough to run for their lives.

They are sexy, fear-puppets of Baal, who quiver the liver with their statist seduction songs, while women of true substance trek countless kilometers in hopes of sacrificing their lives for their children’s’ future.

The caravan is coming.
With Sarah, Rebecca, and Leah at the lead.

The covergirl Cannanites should worry.”

-Heidi Smith