Striving for Consistency


Wisdom from Bojidar Marinov:

Cops are liberal democrats. Their unions donate to the Democrat Party 100%. Cops who commit crimes are usually defended in court by Democrat lawyers. (Darren Wilson’s fund-raising campaign was organized by a Democrat politician who describes himself as a Socialist.) The origin of professional police is liberal democrat: The first professional police was established by the corrupt Democrat Tammany Hall in NYC in the 1840s. (The first professional police in Europe was established by the Jacobins in the French Revolution.) Before that, America had no professional police, and the Founding Fathers envisioned no professional police. As late as 1910, conservatives and church ministers preached against professional police, for citizens’ militia.

So we do have a cop problem in America. It’s part of the liberal democrat problem. Professional police is one of the tools of liberal democrats for subjugating the population, whether black or white. It’s their tax collector force.

If you are against liberal democrats, you should be against police. If you are against one, for the other, you are inconsistent. Inconsistency always loses the cultural war. I have seen it in Eastern Europe. You won’t be an exception.

This Is Funny

I’ve given up on the Republicans for the most part. The American government at all levels is anti-Christ, and none of them see it. None of them want to end socialism, and some of them want to increase it. But here’s the highlight of all the debates so far.

Muslim School Or Secular Humanist School

The title of this article is “Marine Dad Makes School PAY the Price After Pushing Islamic Propaganda On Daughter”. First of all, that is the most false title anyone could come up with. The guy didn’t do anything except get himself banned from school property and sue the government in the government’s courts. As if you’ll get a fair trial when the judge and jury are paid by the government.

You know the way to make the school district really pay would be to take your kid out of the school. They receive federal funding based on the number of students, and when you take your kids out, they receive less funding. Homeschooling your kids is also biblical and has the added benefit of not marinating your child’s mind in government propaganda and idolatrous secular humanism for 13 years.

I loathe secular humanism just as much as Islam, if not more. Everyone talks about how little freedom there is in Muslim countries. It’s not like this is such a free country. They take 50% of our income and that is supposed to be better than jizya? (Jizya is the tax a Muslim government requires Christians and Jews to pay.) If sending your kids to a Muslim school would be a sin, sending them to secular humanist public schools is every bit as sinful.

Christians Sent For Reeducation

A judge has ordered a couple who runs a wedding venue business to be sent for reeducation because they turned down a same-sex wedding. They’ve also been fined $13,000.

Of course the judge is a wicked pervert. But who is going to collect their fine? Who is going to make sure they attend their reeducation?There are a team of “nice” people–our friends and neighbors who will carry out this decree. I have a couple of friends who work for the court system. I know some of the sweet little old ladies who work for the county. They’re just doing their job, right? The issue is that you can no longer work for the government and keep clean hands. The whole system is trash, but Christians just go on working for it and doing whatever they’re told.10842217_10203728540363415_1793178855205438935_o

Conservatives keep saying that their local cops and sheriff are different. There are stories of sheriffs proclaiming their love of the 2nd Amendment. But every time these guys have been tested, they’ve failed. The Harney County (Oregon) Sheriff allowed the feds to murder Lavoy Finicum. The Rowan County (Kentucky) Sheriff allowed Kim Davis to go off to federal court and jail. So good luck placing any hope in local people. They do what the feds tell them.

These local people are our friends and neighbors and they sit in the same pew as us and they hear your pastor say Romans 13 teaches strict obedience to government. Christianity and the pulpit are the problem with America. When the pulpit changes, Christianity will change and this country will change.

Quality Public Education?


If you’re forced at gunpoint to pay for a service, it might be because that service is substandard. If it’s not substandard at the beginning, it will tend to be substandard as time goes on.  If it wasn’t substandard, they wouldn’t have to force people to pay for it.

We’re all forced to pay for other people’s children to be educated in public school. We all hold up our end of the bargain as only a tiny fraction of property taxes in this country go uncollected within months of the due date. However, public schools don’t need to hold up their end of the bargain as a Michigan judge has ruled.

So just as police don’t have a duty to protect people (like we’re forced to pay them to), schools don’t have to provide quality education (like we’re forced to pay them to). Socialism doesn’t work.

Lavoy Finicum Was Murdered


“Under the Law of God, the guilt is always on those who had drawn first. They are the murderers. In that context, even if he tried to draw, it was legitimate self-defense.

These government thugs must be taken to court and then duly executed. Until they are executed – every single one of them – there will be no justice in this case.

But the blame is on the local cops. It is the local Sheriff who must be re-called, tried, and executed for conspiracy and treason against his constituency.”–Bojidar Marinov

I like what Gavin Seim said, and I share his optimism that someday there will be buildings and roads named after Lavoy Finicum for having laid down his life for his friends. Which is more than you can say for the coward cops who murder people when they see their shadow.

Murderers Have No Problem Lying

I saw this story today:

This morning, I received a phone call I’ll never forget. Earlier this week, a young woman had gone to an abortion clinic in Nashville because she wanted an abortion. She told the abortion clinic she was struggling with her decision, but felt it was the best choice.

She was given an ultrasound and told her “fetus was no longer viable” anyway. In other words, her baby was dead. She was given an appointment to come back today because Saturday’s are when they perform abortions and they would then expel the dead fetus from her body.

She arrived at the abortion clinic this morning for her appointment. After several minutes, she ran out of the abortion clinic sobbing. She spoke to a woman outside who was with a pro-life group. The woman told her about me and that’s when they called.

When I got on the phone, it was hard to understand her, as she was crying so hard. She said, “I changed my mind. I can’t do it. And I think they’ve lied to me about my baby being dead. They wouldn’t let me see the ultrasound, so I’m not sure, but I just have this gut feeling”. She wanted another ultrasound.

I immediately called our Nurse to arrange for her to meet them at our Spring Hill Office. After they met, Joanne Glazier Coogan, our Nurse, performed the ultrasound. And, guess what? This mother’s instincts were right. They lied. Her baby is very much alive. This is the reality of abortion clinics. Thank you to the donors of the Pregnancy Centers Middle TN. We saved two more people today. A mother and her child.

Here’s sound advice prompted by that story:

“I want to encourage you to please pray and ask how God wants you to be involved with abortion ministry. I was with this young mother today as she made this phone call outside of an abortion clinic. If there were no Christians there to counsel her when she needed it most, she very well might have gone through with the abortion. I realize that standing outside of an abortion clinic sounds crazy. I get that. Just start praying and asking God to show you how you and your family/children should be involved.”

Socialization and Socialism


I homeschool my kid. It is a lot of work, but it is the right thing to do as I don’t want to accept stolen money to educate my children, and I think it is the clear teaching of Scripture that it is sinful to send children to non-Christian schools.

Some people think homeschool kids end up dorks, because they missed out on all the socialization that goes on in public school. The problem with that is that there are plenty of dorky public school kids. How do kids learn how to behave like well-adjusted adults? By hanging out with 29 other kids their same age? That doesn’t make any sense.

Like I said, it’s hard work, but he’ll have so many more opportunities  with so much less wasted time. The sacrifice is well worth it.

Working for the Secession of Fremont County from the Union